here is my point
this comment isn't only for you, it's for the noobs-fan-smbz of NG:
Good things from this flash:
- It's other story
- Other fights, scenes
- Good music
- Nice intro and menu
- Good SFX
bad things from this flash:
- You used too much the " closer punch" twice
- Put LOW quality next time, it's too slow.
- Grammar (it's not your fault, it happens to me too)
- You used several things/ideas from Smbz like the red power of Mecha Sonic, the "zoom wind", the background of introduction of Centaurman is the same when Mario and Luigi decided to help Sonic to defeat Mecha Sonic, the sparks and the screen of System Activated, the spiral attack of Axel Rangers or Sonic, but I like the spiral effect in the blade of Centaurman....maybe for that reason, NG people called it "another copy", but in fact its not after all...only you should improve new ideas or new skills, don't use too much the Dbz sounds or style. Create a new style.
- Some scenes like "centaurman, pharaoman and stone presentation" and "Centaurman introduction" were too should check that next time.
so, it's all... I hope it helps you next episode.
btw, 5/5 and 10
Dan_Dark out!